Last night I gave Cory his Valentines gift early...I treated him to a fun "almost" free date. I promised on facebook that I would share so here goes.......
And we are off....thank you Olivia (our amazing babysitter....also one of the expenses for the night...but worth it) for taking our picture only 4 tries needed...we got a keeper!
Cory was a trooper...we made a quick pit stop at Hobby Lobby before the fun began...thanks baby!
Dinner at Applebees..."mostly" free thanks to a gift card....and yes I "mostly" kept within my 7 rules for the evening.
The REVEAL...Cory had no idea what the plans for the night surprise...he is liking the news! So the "Activity" for our FREE date is a preplanned scanvenger hunt around Barnes & Noble....keep reading......
First stop the RECIPES...we each chose a recipe we would like to make for eachother. Cory chose a sausage/pancake sandwich with apple syrup...he has this craving for a pancake and pork sandwich...whatever!
I chose Chicken Tortilla soup....yummo..I WILL be making this soon!
Next stop QUIZZES..Cory took a Quiz about what type of date he would like...ended up with a Dinner date...sorry babe...hope this is close enough?!
My quiz was "Are you a good girlfriend"....well of course...and I am an OUTSTANDING wife!!
On to CHILDREN'S BOOKS...We each found a book that we read as a child...Cory chose Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss.
I chose The Little Red Hen...mostly because it was a Golden Dad used to bring us home a new Golden Book once a week and we would sit and read them together...a very cherished memory!
Next up...JOKES...we laughed a lot in this section...Cory found a book of Jimmy Fallon's Thank You Notes....HILARIOUS!
I chose a book of random jokes...the particular page we found funny was different ways to say "Your Fly is Down".
Moving on to TRAVEL...Cory chose ROME...he has a fascination with gladiators I guess!
I chose...Hawaii...and yes I am dreaming in this picture....Palm Trees, Beaches, Luaus and Leis I will spend time with you....SOMEDAY!
Final Stop...POETRY...I read Cory a poem that expresses my love for I can't remember what it was called...hmmm is that bad??
Cory randomly grabbed a poetry book off the shelf and opened it to a poem called "Jenny Kissed Me" he couldn't do that fitting!
After all that fun at the bookstore we grabbed some icecream to celebrate our SWEET date night....yup I took a leave of absence from 7 for this portion of the date....I couldn't not eat icecream with my main man on our Valentines date!
So there you have it...our "mostly" free, but completely FUN date night...thank you for inspiring me. Happy Valentines Day a little early baby! Love you like CRAZY!!
Melissa SanderHow
2/10/2013 03:30:02 am

How fun!


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    I am Jen (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and SERVANT). Welcome to my blog. This is where I unload my thoughts and inspirations! I recently asked several of my friends and family to describe me in one word and this is what I got....ORGANIZED (#1), Dependable (#2), Honest, Sincere, Genuine, Thoughtful, Energetic, Stylish (not sure agree with this one), and one word that I actually do agree with...UNSETTLED! I am always searching for something it seems, one thing I do know for sure is that I am a child of God and no matter what I search for here on search will end one day when I meet my Saviour face to face in Heaven. So enjoy the blog....I hope you find the descriptions of me to be true...there are probably a few that weren't submitted that are also true...welcome to me!


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