I am thankful right now that we, by we I mean the kids and I,  are in a season of quietness and rest with nothing very dramatic going on, while it makes for long winter days and evenings, it does help prepare us for what is to come (hopefully very soon), SPRING! However, this time of year is absolutely insane for my poor husband....he works 50 hours a week at his "day job" and then works another 20 or so at his "other job", plus bless his heart he helps keep up on laundry and dishes and even gives me a night off every Monday so I can go to Ladies' Bible Study and Volleyball. I might be the organized one with the calendars and the schedules, I might run after the kids a lot, I might be home with them more, but he is the one who keeps the wheels on this thing. Without my husbands amazing leadership over our family we would be a sad mess. While he is away this evening working so that we can have more than we deserve, I GET to be home with our 4 remarkable children. I GET to help them with their homework , I GET to read them stories and tuck them in to bed. I GET to do all that. As much as I wish he was here with me to help me, I am thankful that I am able to serve him in this way. To keep our home a place of peace and joy that he can come home to after a long day of working 2 jobs. There are many single mothers out there and many wives that have "absent" husbands. My prayer for you tonight is to know that all of the things you do for their families are not for nothing. God is watchiing over you and smiling on you for serving your family. I know it is easy to complain and be angry or depressed by the situation you are in....trust me I a KNOW....I all too often forget what a blessing my man is. And although it might take effort to put a smile on your face or set aside something that is a priority to you, your family will notice, they need you to be there for them and support them.
I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me and our children so much that he is willing to work 2 jobs to support us. I am thankful for his widsom, his patience, his leadership, his loving words, his broad shoulders (so he can be my pack mule of course), his sense of humor, and mostly his incredible ability to forgive and love unconditionally. I am thankful that on June 2, 2001 I was joined forever with the one man God created just for me!

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    I am Jen (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend and SERVANT). Welcome to my blog. This is where I unload my thoughts and inspirations! I recently asked several of my friends and family to describe me in one word and this is what I got....ORGANIZED (#1), Dependable (#2), Honest, Sincere, Genuine, Thoughtful, Energetic, Stylish (not sure agree with this one), and one word that I actually do agree with...UNSETTLED! I am always searching for something it seems, one thing I do know for sure is that I am a child of God and no matter what I search for here on earth....my search will end one day when I meet my Saviour face to face in Heaven. So enjoy the blog....I hope you find the descriptions of me to be true...there are probably a few that weren't submitted that are also true...welcome to me!


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